HomeRehomeHow Long Does the Humane Society Keep Jack Russell Terriers?

How Long Does the Humane Society Keep Jack Russell Terriers?

by Adopt a Pet, | January 11, 2024


How long a Humane Society will keep a Jack Russell terriers can vary depending on if the dog has health issues or if they’re exhibiting signs of stress. Short of that, most humane societies don’t put a time limit on how long the dogs remain on the adoption floor. Keep in mind that the Humane Society’s goal is to find homes for all the dogs in their care, but that’s not always possible. 

Surrendering Your Jack Russell Terrier

When you surrender your Jack Russell Terrier to a humane society, you surrender your right to have a say in what happens to your dog. Since exhibiting signs of stress is a reason they may be removed from the adoption floor, it’s important to know that there is no guarantee they’ll find a home.

Some dogs just don’t do well in a shelter environment. If it turns out your Jack Russell becomes fearful or anxious, it will hinder their chances of being adopted.

Another Option: Rehoming Your Dog Yourself 

One option that gives your Jack Russell Terrier a great chance at finding the right home is for you to rehome them yourself. Some pet owners have never considered this idea, and many wouldn’t know where to begin. Luckily, there are easy-to-use online resources to help you if you decide to try to find your dog a home.

Rehome by Adopt-a-Pet is a peer-to-peer pet adoption service that can walk you through the steps of rehoming your Jack Russell terrier. This resource is great because it doesn’t just offer advice — although there is plenty of expert advice on the site — but it also provide tools that help you get your dog in front of potential adopters.

Create a pet profile, communicate with potential adopters, upload pet records, and more. These tools make it so much easier to start the process of rehoming your Jack Russell Terrier.

It’s true that it will take more effort, but the peace of mind you’ll have knowing your pet is in a great home will be well worth it. 

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