HomeRehomeHow Do I Rehome My Mastiff?

How Do I Rehome My Mastiff?

by Adopt a Pet, | January 8, 2024


You can rehome your Mastiff by putting in some time to understand what your dog needs and then find a new owner that can properly care for her. Rehoming is about finding a place for your dog that she can be safe, loved, and given what she needs to thrive and be happy.

What Does Your Mastiff Need?

Mastiffs are a fun and interesting breed, but as a dog owner, you know that all dogs are different. They have their own personality traits and quirks that make them special. You need to consider all of these things about your dog to ensure that she’s going to the right owner.

Does she have a problem with small animals? Is she a barker or extremely defensive? Does she have any health issues? Write down as much as possible about the good and not so good traits of your Mastiff, so you can let prospective adopters know all about her. This helps to ensure that she ultimately goes to the best home for her.

Rehoming with People Nearby

You should take the time to talk with friends and family and let them know that you have to give up your dog. You might find someone you know who would like to be her new owner. Giving her to someone you already trust can help you rest easy at night. Just make sure that they have the room and the means to provide her with what she needs.

You might also find people in your area that you don’t know and who would like to be her new owner. As long as you learn as much about these people as possible and are sure she’ll be in good hands, you can rehome with them. However, you should always charge a rehoming fee to anyone that you don’t know. This shows that the new owner is willing to invest in having a dog.

However, rehoming fees also help to reduce the risk for your Mastiff. Some people are looking for dogs they can use for fighting or that they can sell to labs. They don’t want to pay for the animals they get, so the rehoming fees help to keep your Mastiff safe.

Rehoming with Online Sites

Online pet adoption sites are another good way to rehome your Mastiff. Just be sure you’re using a reputable site geared toward pet adoption rather than a typical want-ad site. Rehome is a good solution. It’s a platform from Adopt-a-Pet.com that lets you set up a profile for your dog. This profile can include videos, pictures, and a bio.

The bio should be detailed and honest, including the elements mentioned above. This helps to ensure that the adopters will have a good idea of whether they’ll be a good fit for your dog or not.

Once people start to apply to adopt your Mastiff, you can review the applications. Rehome even has advice on what to look for when reviewing new owner applications. You’ll then choose the best new owner for your dog. The service is free for owners to use and provides you with control over who gets your dog.

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