HomeBehavior & trainingWhy Do Dogs Chew Up Kleenex?

Why Do Dogs Chew Up Kleenex?

by Adopt a Pet, | January 8, 2024

Why Do Dogs Chew Up Kleenex?

Юлия Завалишина / Adobe Stock

Your dog chews up Kleenex because they find the texture appealing, and holding down the tissue box while they shred what’s inside may make them feel like they are killing prey. Aside from it just being fun, dogs may engage in destructive chewing because they are bored, stressed, or anxious. No matter the cause, this behavior can cause issues, so pet owners need to find ways to address it.

Is chewing Kleenex dangerous? 

If your dog swallows a small amount of Kleenex, it’s not likely to hurt them. Larger amounts, however, can cause serious blockages. Also, if your dog gets used to chewing clean tissues, they're more likely to chew dirty tissues.

Stopping the behavior

The easiest way to stop your dog from chewing Kleenex is to limit access. Simply moving your tissue boxes to a higher shelf may be all it takes to solve the problem.  

Of course, you can’t rely only on prevention, and that’s why proper training is so important. A strong “Leave it” or “No” command should be all it takes for your dog to drop what they’re chewing. If that’s not the case, you should revisit training for their safety.

You’ll also want to provide alternatives, which means buying lots of chew toys in various sizes and textures. Replace them as they become damaged, so your dog always has something new and interesting to destroy.

Chewing Kleenex is a common behavior, but because it poses a potential danger to your dog, it’s a behavior you should work to stop in order to prevent a blockage or other issue that will land your pet at the vet. 

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