HomeBehavior & trainingHow Long Does It Take a Dachshund to Get Used to a New Home?

How Long Does It Take a Dachshund to Get Used to a New Home?

by Adopt a Pet, | January 8, 2024

How Long Does It Take a Dachshund to Get Used to a New Home?

Marija Mandic / Stocksy

It’ll typically take a Dachshund between one and three months to get used to a new home. Of course, there are always special cases and various factors you’ll need to consider. For example, you’ll find that puppies tend to adapt to their new home far more quickly, often in a matter of weeks. With older dogs, it often takes longer. After all, they’ve spent more time with their previous owners. However, most dogs will feel at home in a new location within a couple of months.

Naturally, you’ll want to do everything you can to make your new Dachshund feel at home when they arrive. By following some simple tips, it can help to make their transition to your home easier. Let’s look at some of those tips to see how they could help you with your new dog.

Start Slowly

They’re going to be stressed when you bring them into a new home with new people. It’s natural, and that means that they might be a little skittish in the beginning. Take things slow and expect that there could be some setbacks here and there. Don’t pressure them, and don’t overwhelm them with too many new people all at once.

Personal Space

Make sure you new dog has some personal space where they can spend time on their own if they want. This could be something as simple as their own pillow in the living room or the bedroom.

Be Prepared for Accidents and Other Issues

No matter how well you’re taking care of them, there’s always the chance that they might have a few accidents when they’re getting used to their new home. Be patient, and don’t worry. It can be cleaned, and it will pass. You might also find that they’re not eating as much in the beginning. This is typically because they’re just getting used to the new space, and their appetite should be back soon enough. If it isn’t, you can schedule an appointment with the vet. In some cases, they might try to escape the house. Be careful when opening doors, and always make sure they have their collar with their new address.

Start a Routine

One of the best things you can do is get them set up on a new routine on the first day that they arrive. Have a schedule for walking, heading out to the bathroom, and food. By setting up a schedule, it will help them get used to their new life with you and your family more easily.


It’s also a good idea to be thorough in your research when you’re adopting a dog, whether it’s through a platform like Rehome or through a shelter. You want to know as much about the Dachshund as possible before adopting. For example, if they don’t get along well with children, you wouldn’t want to adopt them if you have kids in the house. The more you know about them, the easier it will be to determine whether they’re the right fit for your home or not.

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